Mosaic Goat Painting Outdoors Mosaic

Capturing the Intangible in Paintings, Mosaics, & Sculptures

A Comprehensive Art Collection

Susan Gardner Art offers paintings, mosaics, writings, drawings, and sculptures. She is considered an outsider artist—one who doesn't fit a particular genre. Her work seeks the viewer's empathy for the sentience of animals and imbues her subjects with a palpable personality.

Get in touch with Susan for details about ordering artwork from her studio.

About Susan Gardner Art

Through Susan Gardner Art, Susan offers some of her small paintings of elaborate, iconic imagery of both humans and animals. This includes her famous painted mosaics, much like the ones that cover the façade of her house in Brooklyn, New York. Susan has been painting for more than 50 years and has been involved in other forms of art and writing for even longer. Get in touch with Susan today for more information about ordering existing paintings, mosaics, or sculpted work.

Watch Susan's Interview with

Meet the Artist behind Brooklyn Mosaic House

Atlas Obscura Wyckoff Street Mosaic
Brooklyn, New York - Atlas Obscura

Susan Gardner’s Mosaic House in Brooklyn

Mosaic House' Brightens a Brooklyn Block - WSJ


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108 Wyckoff St.  
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Serving Brooklyn, NY

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